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Express rail service for 9th Asian Winter Games starts operation

发布时间:   来源: Ecns.cn
(ECNS) -- The high-speed train D8003 departed Harbin for Yabuli West Station in northeast China's Heilongjiang Province, marking the official launch of the express rail service for the 9th Asian Winter Games on Monday, according to China Railway Harbin Bureau Group.
To support the event, a designated rail was introduced, offering 12 round trip train services between Harbin and Yabuli stations.
A total of 51 high-speed trains stopping at Yabuli West Station have been scheduled, with a minimum interval of seven minutes. The fastest travel time was 1 hour and 2 minutes. Additionally, 12 conventional trains passing through Yabuli Station, and a new direct line between Beijing and Yabuli South Station have also been introduced to further enhance transportation capacity for the games.
Special ticket counters have been set up at key railway stations including Harbin Station, Harbin West Station, and Yabuli West Station, to facilitate travel for athletes, staff members, and journalists. Railway authorities also launched a designated service line on China's railway ticket-booking platform 12306.
China's Fuxing bullet trains, known for their frost-resistant and advanced technological featrues, are operating on the special line to provide athletes with a more comfortable travel experience.
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