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British team resumes search for flight MH370 that went missing 11 years ago

发布时间:   来源: Ecns.cn
(ECNS) -- A British company has resumed the search mission for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, which vanished 11 years ago.
Ocean Infinity, a Marine robotics firm, said its deep-water support vessel Armada 7806 had arrived approximately 1,200 kilometers off the coast of Perth in the Indian Ocean over the weekend.
Australian media stated that the search would cover 15,000 sq km over six weeks, focusing on high-priority areas where debris from the Boeing 777 may be located.
MH370, carrying 227 passengers, including 154 Chinese, departed from Kuala Lumpur International Airport in March 2014, with its destination as Beijing Capital International Airport, but it went missing before arrival.
In the aftermath of MH370's disappearance, a massive search ensued that continued for four years. Even after official recovery efforts ended, amateur sleuths continued trying to locate the plane.
Today, the cause of the plane's disappearance remains unknown.
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