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Two Sessions 2025 | How do foreigners perceive Two Sessions? Finance, trade, 'China Travel', AI emerge as top concerns

发布时间:   来源: DotDotNews

As China's Two Sessions of 2025 approaches, DotDotNews reporters have taken the opportunity to interview individuals from diverse backgrounds, both Chinese and foreign, to hear their perspectives on the upcoming event.

Angelo, a Swiss financial and political analyst based in Hong Kong, is well-versed in the Two Sessions. He believes that China's Two Sessions serve not only as a summary of China's social development over the past year but also as a crucial moment for various sectors of society to voice their opinions. D.J. CHIRANJAYA UDUMUULAGE, a Sri Lankan businessman residing in Beijing, expresses that the Two Sessions are meetings where China's leaders make vital decisions regarding national development. This year, he is particularly interested in how Sri Lanka, as a participant in the Belt and Road Initiative, may benefit from China's trade policies.

Ekaterina Kaligaeva from Belarus, who chose to stay in Beijing after graduating from a Chinese university, pays close attention to the hot topic of Chinese AI and the related policies concerning international entrepreneurs in China during the Two Sessions.

Ifran and Ilnur Minakhmetov, members of the China Retold international KOL alliance developing their careers in Hong Kong, have noticed significant advancements in services for foreign tourists, daily payments, and transportation on the Mainland. Ilnur Minakhmetov believes that by attracting international talent, China can offer more convenient international services, such as incorporating international payment methods on top of electronic payments. Ifran hopes for simplified procedures in finance and tariffs to attract more foreign investors to enter the Chinese market.

Reporter: Crystal, Zoey, Ella/ Camerman: Ian, Rachel, Iris (Intern)/ Editor: Sammi/ English Editor: Felicia, Kiki/ Producer: Tracy

上一篇:EconoScope | Shenzhen set to build top innovation cluster
下一篇:Two Sessions 2025 | Foreign journalists praise DeepSeek and 'Ne Zha 2'

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