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EconoScope | Shenzhen set to build top innovation cluster

发布时间:   来源: Ecns.cn
(ECNS) -- Shenzhen, in south China's Guangdong Province, is striving to create the best innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem, according to a 2025 Shenzhen government work report.
The city announced at the weekend that free accommodation for university graduate job seekers have been extended from seven to 15 days.
Always keenly aware of emerging challenges, it is determined to capitalize on the artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics boom.
A vibrant venture capital market, a unique environment that encourages creativity and technological advancement, and an army of ambitious entrepreneurs allow Shenzhen to nurture industry giants including Huawei, Tencent, BYD, and DJI.
Shenzhen EngineAI created a robot that performs advanced front flips, marking the first humanoid robot in the world to complete this feat.
With over 2,600 AI enterprises, 34 publicly listed robotics firms, and six unicorns, the city has created a strong industrial cluster, leading multiple industries in 2024.
Last year, the city led in the number of newly recognized national-level "Little Giant" enterprises specializing in niche industries, as well as in national-level manufacturing items.
Additionally, in the same year, Shenzhen was the country’s top producer of new energy vehicles and maintained the largest amount of cargo drones.
To accelerate the growth of emerging industries, the city has incorporated a commitment to fully compete in new industries including AI, robotics and the low-altitude economy in its 2025 government work report.
It claimed that all the right conditions are in place for entrepreneurship here. The city is actively promoting the deep integration of innovation, industry, capital, and talent chains, positioning itself as both the innovation hub and incubator for new quality productive forces.
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